
Tuesday, 30 August 2016


This week in P.E, we did Gymnastics. There was a load of equipment set up like low beams, high beams, trampolines, single and double bars and more. 

The first thing was learning how to hold our selves up using just our hands which then turned into a headstand. 

We then learnt how to do forward rolls and cartwheels. My first attempt at a forward roll wasn't very good but it got better.

After that we had free time to use the beams, single and double bars and the mat we used for learning cartwheels and forward rolls.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Jump Jam 2016 Competiton

Today, the year 7 students had the 2016 Jump Jam competition in the gymnasium. We had an introduction, then two songs for the warm up, our competition song and then finals. Our class 7mg's song for the competition was "I gotta feeling" 

The two warm up songs were "Boom Boom Pow" and "I gotta feeling" and our finals song was ALSO "Boom Boom Pow" 

Two people from each class got a chocolate for outstanding performance. The two people from our class were Jireh and Dylan.

Our class 7mg won! 7rc was second and 7bk was third. Our class won a trophy for our performance.

Beep Test

For PE today, we did the 20 meter Beep Test. The beep test is where you have to run from one place to another repeatedly before you hear the beep. This is to test your fitness level/ how fit you are. If you don't get to your destination before the beep goes off you are out and you check the charts too see how fit you are. There was a results table for boys and girls, plus all different year levels. The fitness levels were 

  • very poor
  • poor
  • average
  • good
  • very good
  • excellence 

My score was 28 which was still under the poor fitness level. Only two people (Dylan and Mathew) managed to get average because there scores were around . I managed to almost get to the very end of level 3.