We worked in groups of 3-4
We put potting mix into 4 cups
Radish seeds were planted in each cup
Cup 1 was normal
Cup 2 had red cellophane
Cup 3 was over-watered
Cup 4 was under watered or had green cellophane
The radish seeds grew in their cups for 10 days before we measured them.
The seed that was under-watered, the normal seed grown in normal potting mix, and the seed that had green cellophane over the top of it didn't grow. This might be because we put the seed too far down in the cup. Another possibility is that the seed rotted. The seed with red cellophane over the top of it however, grew 50mm in 10 days.
From the pictures and evidence we can conclude:
The seedling height was:
1. 0mm
2. 0mm
3. 50mm
4. 0mm
The best growing conditions were:
1. The seed with the red cellophane over it
2. The other three seeds didn't grow, therefore there is no way of knowing which were the best growing conditions out of the three seeds.
Therefore the seedling with red cellophane over the top of it had the best conditions, as it grew to a height of 50mm.