Yesterday the year 9 and 10 business studies classes held a market day and sold our products as a
part of our assessment in business studies.
part of our assessment in business studies.
As a group, we worked really well together - we came to mutual agreements with ease and our time management was great. Everything in regards to our business plan and the execution of it was done on time, and by the end of the day we had sold out and made a profit.
Not everything went quite as planned in regards to our financial plan - upon buying our products we
began to worry that we wouldn’t have enough mince or beans, but we soon realised by the end of the
day it was actually the opposite and we had gotten too much (not that it was too much of a problem
because we didn’t have any expenses due to the fact all our money was from sponsorship). We didn’t
book a kitchen area or try to find a place to cook everything prior to the day, which wasn’t a great idea
but surprisingly once again didn’t cause too many problems. Another problem was that we were in a
rush when our first customers arrived, and the way we packaged/wrapped the burritos was trial and
error for the first few we sold.
began to worry that we wouldn’t have enough mince or beans, but we soon realised by the end of the
day it was actually the opposite and we had gotten too much (not that it was too much of a problem
because we didn’t have any expenses due to the fact all our money was from sponsorship). We didn’t
book a kitchen area or try to find a place to cook everything prior to the day, which wasn’t a great idea
but surprisingly once again didn’t cause too many problems. Another problem was that we were in a
rush when our first customers arrived, and the way we packaged/wrapped the burritos was trial and
error for the first few we sold.
I think if we were to do it again we would do more with marketing - e.g print out more posters, etc. I
would probably make sure we were more prepared before the actual day so we weren’t running around
like maniacs. I’d also probably prepare for making more of our product than we did because we sold out
quite early and still had people coming up to us asking for a burrito.
would probably make sure we were more prepared before the actual day so we weren’t running around
like maniacs. I’d also probably prepare for making more of our product than we did because we sold out
quite early and still had people coming up to us asking for a burrito.