
Wednesday 13 September 2017



Kaitiakitanga is a Maori proverb for guardianship and protection. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the Maori world view. A Kaitiaki, could be a person or group who is assigned to guard, preserve and protect something.

Introduced Species

What are introduced species?

Introduced species, are species of animals that aren't native to a country, but have been brought over by other countries and quickly multiplied.

Why were they brought to New Zealand?

Most of the non native species that have been introduced to New Zealand were brought to New Zealand for reasons such as hunting. For their meat, fur/pelt, horns etc. But most of the species that have been introduced caused problems.

Why have the number of introduced species exploded?

Because once the species that were introduced arrived in New Zealand, there weren't many other predators and there was plenty of food so they multiplied quickly.

What affect do they have on our native plants and animals?

Some introduced animals such as rats, weasels and stoats, have had a negative effect on some of our native birds that take shelter in burrows and bushes on the ground, and are the main reason for their near, if not already, extinction. This is because they eat the eggs before they hatch and therefore there are less of them. Other introduced species, such as red dear and rabbits, have effected some of our native plants by eating them all.

How is the D.O.C trying to get rid of them?

New Zealand's unique biodiversity is under threat from pests. The D.O.C (Department of Conservation) is trying to get rid of some animals in New Zealand, or at least reduce the number of them, such as rats and rabbits, by using poison and traps. The D.O.C also has an extremely ambitious goal to get New Zealand free from our most environment threatening pests by the year 2050. They also have a programme in place to protect our national birds.

Rats and how they are affecting our country

Though rats do not have an impact on our native plants and trees, they have a huge impact on our native birds. By eating their eggs before they hatch, they are slowly driving birds such as the kiwi, our national icon, to extinction. People are using rat traps, rat poison and more. But its not enough, as there are far too many rats and people aren't having a lot of success.

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