
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Essay Writing Struture

Number 5 - the Adverb Start
Adverb- a word used to describe a verb
Curiously, Quickly, Rapidly, Importantly, Technically, Firstly, Secondly, Lastly, Often, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Surprisingly, Readily
-Comma always goes right after adverb

Examples in a sentence-
Unsurprisingly, Miss Richardson was late for class.
Unnervingly, there are more life forms living on the surface of your skin than there are people on this planet.
Interestingly, otters hold hands when they sleep to stop themselves from drifting apart.

Number 6 - Preposition Sentence Starters
Preposition- a word which indicates movement of position
In, Against, Before, Between, Over, Behind, Within, Under, Below, At, For, Throughout, Near, About, Off, Out, Above, Prior

Examples in a sentence-
Within the year 2017, 378 people in New Zealand were killed in car crashes.
On September 1st 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, France and Britain declaring war on Germany only two days later.

Compare and Contrast Paragraph
A classic paragraph structure for talking about two similar ideas and saying how they are different.
-Deliver your key idea
-Write 2-3 sentences giving your first example
-In contrast, write 2-3 sentences giving your second example. Begin with phrases like: In contrast, In comparison, Conversely, Whereas, Alternatively, At the same time, Similarly.
-Write 2 sentences telling us why the difference between these two things is important/significant.

Example of a compare and contrast paragraph-

Connor Lassiter and Levi Jedediah Calder, two main characters from the book series 'Unwind' by Neal Shushterman, have both shown a large amount of character development throughout the first book, but in very different ways. Connor -who at the beginning of this book is a quite violent boy, quick to make impulsive decisions and start fights- learns to control his anger and in the process develops strong leadership skills. He also learns to think before he acts. His opinion on unwinding, however, doesn't change throughout the story, and he continues to believe it is a terrible act. Lev, on the other hand, has gone from being a young child who believes the concept of tithing and unwinding is acceptable, to being entirely against it. Lev even goes as far as to attempt a terrorist attack at a building where children were to be unwound in order to stop it. During his time with the character Cy-Fi, he also gained some extremely helpful survival skills. They both change as people drastically throughout the book, but in very different ways.

Number 8- the -ed Start
-ed word- a word ending with the letters ed
 Committed, Undaunted, Determined, Forced, Gifted, Blighted, Thrilled, Delighted, Blessed, Overpowered, Defeated, Bewildered, Drafted, Scared, Terrified, Surprised, Unsurprised, Foreshadowed, Haunted

Examples in a sentence-
Terrified of what might happen next, the girl took a deep breath before continuing forward.
Surprised by the number of people who showed up, his nerves began to grow.
Determined to improve, the football team began practising more frequently.

Number 11- the W-Start
A sentence starting with a word beginning with W
When, Who, While, Where, What, Whereas, Whilst, Why

Examples in a sentence-
What started as a bad idea, had now become even worse.
While most people think human euthanization is wrong, others disagree. (Unwind)

Adverb start-
Strangely, cats have more toes on their front paws than they do on their back paws.

Preposition sentence starter-
During the industrial revolution, gang activity in Birmingham went up considerably.

-ed start-
Stunned, he stumbled backwards, taking a few moments to regain his balance.

While most of my friends play netball, I prefer football.

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