
Monday 27 May 2019

Maths- Area and Perimeter

What were the main mathematical concepts that you learned or that we discussed in class?
For the past four or so weeks, we have been looking at perimeter and area (but mostly area). We've looked at multiple problems as a group that relate to area. We looked at problems where we have to find the area of all sorts of shapes (triangles, rectangles, trapeziums, circles etc), the area of compound shapes, and more.

This was one of the first problems we looked at. It was mostly trial and error to find the right answers. We drew a lot of different sized squares with different perimeters.

For the first question in this problem, we first had to find the radius -which was 10- and then the area of the circle -pi x r2 (pi times radius squared). Our group then divided it by 4 to find what a quarter of the area was. Once we had done that, we talk a quarter of the area away to get the answer. The second and third questions were slightly harder.

We also made presentations explaining the formulas used to fins the areas of different shapes, along with where we use area in day-to-day life. 

Describe a mistake or a misconception you or a classmate made. What did you learn from it?
I made the mistake of using the diameter to find the area of a circle instead of the radius a couple of times. I also forgot that after you times the base by the height to find the area of a triangle that you half it afterwards. Other then that, I didn't make too many mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Uuuuuuuu interesting thnx for answering those questions, now I know all about u and wut u done in class, but dont worry its not a bad thing couz u can learn from ur mistakes ahahaha :|


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