
Friday 6 September 2019


  1. A plate being dropped on the floor - smash
  2. A balloon being burst - pop
  3. A gun being shot - bang
  4. Someone eating chips - crunch
  5. A light being switched on - click
  6. A fierce dog - growl
  7. A small bell being rung - tinkle 
  8. A door opening - creek
  9. A bomb exploding - boom
  10. A child screaming - screech

Highlight the onomatopoeia in each of the following sentences:
  1. The old engine chugged down the rickety track. 
  2. The hard-hit tennis ball whistled by my ear.
  3. The truck’s brakes screeched in the distance.
  4. The rain beat on the metal barn roof.
  5. His guitar strings twanged the sad melody. 
  6. The old floor creaked as we walked slowly across it. 
  7. The fire cracked and popped on a cold night. 
  8. The snake hissed when I startled it.

Onomatopoeia sentences:
The door slammed as a gust of win flew through the house.
The pork crackled and sizzled as it was flipped on the barbecue.
The branch fell to the ground with a loud crack.
Jaime slurped her pathetic excuse for milo obnoxiously.
The raindrops landed on the roof with a light thud.
Leaves rustled in the trees above us as we made our way down the dimly lit path.

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